En enfrentamiento zona turística costa norte murió un alemán y tres policías RD resultaron heridos
Spanish and English version:
SANTO DOMINGO, R.D._ La secta religiosa a la que pertenece el grupo de alemanes que atacó a una patrulla policial que fue a allanar el lugar, suceso en el que murió uno de ellos y tres agentes policiales resultaron heridos, había construido una fortificación que permitiera a sus miembros albergarse cuando ocurriera un supuesto cataclismo que ellos estaban esperando para diciembre de 2012, siguiendo las predicciones mayas, y se preparaban militarmente para defender su recinto cuando se produjera el caos esperado, publica este viernes el periódico El Día en sus ediciones impresa y digital.
La información precisa que el grupo tiene una mezcla de creencias que incluye budismo, cultura maya, el Sahi-Baba, cristianismo y la existencia de extraterrestres, información que según ellos es ocultada por las grandes potencias mundiales y los medios de comunicación. Y a continuación el contenido de la nota del prestigioso gratuito dominicano.
Los miembros de la secta vivían aislados en esa fortificación, comWpuesta por unas 20 viviendas de lujo en Sosúa, Puerto Plata. No permitían personas ajenas a la organización y llegaron a repeler varias veces a autoridades policiales y militares.
La secta se hace llamar “The Academy For Future Health” (Academia para un futuro saludable) y se identifica con las siglas AFFH.
Es liderada por el alemán Peter Brunk, cuyo dominio sobre sus seguidores y control mental era tal que ahora es comparado al que ejercía David Koresh sobre sus adeptos y que en 1993 pasaron del anonimato total a ser el centro de atención mundial cuando el FBI intentó penetrar a su rancho conocido como “Monte Carmelo” y enfrentaron a tiros a las autoridades, y al sentirse acorralados incendiaron las instalaciones con todos ellos adentro. Esta tragedia ocurrió en la ciudad de Waco, Texas.
Casualmente, uno de los alemanes detenidos informó que el grupo tiene una propiedad en la ciudad de Corpus Christi, Texas.
El grupo ya había tenido varios incidentes violentos con las autoridades, pero había pasado desapercibido para la mayoría del país, aunque no para los vecinos, que se quejaban del sectarismo de los habitantes de la llamada “Colonia Mulata III”, en Sosúa.
Conflicto familiar
Hace cinco años uno de los hijos de Brunck se separó de la secta por problemas personales y denunció en Alemania todo lo que hacía el grupo.
Eso provocó que allá se iniciara una investigación y periodistas vinieran a República Dominicana para realizar un reportaje de investigación.
Ante la imposibilidad de acercarse a la fortificación los periodistas alemanes lograron que un helicóptero de la Fuerza Aérea sobrevolara el área, pero la aeronave fue atacada a tiros por parte de las personas que estaban confinadas en el complejo de lujosas viviendas.
En diciembre de 2006 dos desconocidos encapuchados a bordo de una motocicleta dispararon contra Brunck, logrando sobrevivir porque en ese momento tenía puesto un chaleco antibalas.
Otro enfrentamiento
Otro incidente ocurrió la semana pasada, cuando militares al servicio del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente intentaron entrar a la propiedad ante la denuncia de talas no autorizadas. Los agentes fueron repelidos a tiros.
Esto provocó que otra unidad policial acudiera al lugar y se produjo el tiroteo en el que murió el alemán Peter Didrittch y resultaron heridos tres policías.
Las autoridades afirman que Didrittch, un antiguo piloto de Swiss Air, era el jefe de seguridad personal de Brunck.
Luego de la refriega las autoridades incautaron un vehículo blindado, cinco escopetas, cuatro pistolas, dos fusiles, siete chalecos antibala y cientos de municiones. Ayer en un nuevo allanamiento encontraron varias pistolas, más municiones, flechas y arcos.
Tráfico de órganos
Una de las razones por las que el cabecilla del grupo tiene una orden internacional de captura es porque se le vincula al tráfico de órganos, pero en Sudáfrica.
En esa la secta tenía dos funerarias que daban servicio de refrigeración a los cadáveres, el cual era utilizado porque muchas veces los familiares de los fallecidos tenían que atravesar grandes distancias.
Se le atribuye que utilizaban los cadáveres de recién fallecidos para extirparles órganos y venderlos ilegalmente.
Armas de alto calibre incautadas en villa
El general Jose A. Polanco Gómez jefe de la Policía observa de cerca las armas localizadas en Puerto Plata.
La Fiscalía de Puerto Plata, donde se ubica Sosúa, detalló que en la casa de Brunck fueron hallados 6 fusiles de asalto M-16, un fusil SIG 552 comando con mira telescópica, 5 escopetas, un rifle Winchester y 3 pistolas con luz infrarroja, entre otras armas de fuego.
Además, varias ballestas tipo arco, trajes camuflados, 7 chalecos antibala, un vehículo blindado, una ambulancia y sofisticados equipos de comunicación.
La casa del ciudadano alemán Peter Brunck, situada en una colina dentro del perímetro del complejo residencial custodiado por seguridad privada, cuenta con piscina y un polígono de tiro bajo techo.
El Ministerio de Interior y Policía, encargado de aprobar y emitir los permisos de porte de armas de fuego, desconocía que en la residencia de Brunck había un polígono de tiro.
Santo Domingo, R.D., viernes, 19 de octubre de 2012.
SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican, Republic._ The religious sect belonging to the group of Germans who attacked a police patrol that was to pave the place, an event that killed one and wounded three police officers, had built a fortification that would its members harbored an alleged cataclysm occurred when they were waiting for December 2012, following the Mayan predictions, and prepared militarily to defend its premises chaos occur when expected, published Friday in the newspaper the day their printed and digital.The information states that the group has a mixture of beliefs including Buddhism, culture, the Sahi-Baba, Christianity and the existence of extraterrestrials, information that they believe is hidden by the major world powers and the media. And then the contents of the note of the prestigious Dominican free.The cult members lived isolated in this fortification, comWpuesta by about 20 luxury homes in Sosúa, Puerto Plata. They did not allow people outside the organization and came to repel several times to police and military authorities.The sect calling itself "The Academy For Future Health" (Academy for a Healthy Future) and is identified with the initials AFFH.It is led by the German Peter Brunk, whose control over his followers and mind control was such that it is now compared to that exerted on David Koresh and his followers in 1993 went from total anonymity to being the center of world attention when the FBI attempted to penetrate to his ranch known as "Mount Carmel" and fought gun to the authorities feel cornered and burned them all facilities inside. This tragedy occurred in the city of Waco, Texas.
Coincidentally, one of the German prisoners reported that the group has a property in the city of Corpus Christi, Texas.The group had already had several violent incidents with the authorities, but had gone unnoticed for most of the country, but not for the neighbors, who complained about the sectarianism of the inhabitants of the "Cologne Mulata III" in Sosúa.Family ConflictFive years ago one of the sons of Brunck sect split from the personal problems in Germany and reported everything to the group.That prompted an investigation to begin there and journalists came to the Dominican Republic for an investigative report.Unable to approach the Germans managed fortification reporters that an Air Force helicopter flew over the area, but the aircraft was attacked and killed by some of the people who were confined in the complex and expensive real estate.In December 2006, two unknown masked men aboard a motorcycle shot Brunck, but survived because at the time was wearing a bulletproof vest.Another showdownAnother incident occurred last week, when military service of the Ministry of Environment tried to enter the property to the complaint of unauthorized logging. The officers were shot repelled.
This prompted another police unit acudiera the scene and saw the shooting that killed the German Peter Didrittch and three policemen were injured.
Didrittch Authorities say a former Swiss Air pilot, was the personal security chief Brunck.
After the scuffle, the authorities seized an armored vehicle, five rifles, four pistols, two rifles, seven hundred bulletproof vests and ammunition. Yesterday in a new raid found several guns, more ammunition, bows and arrows.Organ traffickingOne reason why the leader of the group has an international arrest warrant is because it is linked to organ trafficking, but in South Africa.
In that the sect had two funeral homes that served the bodies cooling, which was used because often the relatives of the deceased had to travel longer distances.
It is attributed to using the bodies of recently dead to remove their organs and sell them illegally.High caliber weapons seized in town
The Office of Puerto Plata, Sosua is located where, explained that in the house of Brunck were found six assault rifles M-16, a SIG 552 rifle with telescopic sight command, five shotguns, a Winchester rifle and three pistols with infrared light, among other firearms.
In addition, several crossbows bow type, camouflage suits, 7 bulletproof vests, armored vehicle, an ambulance and sophisticated communications equipment.
The house of a German Peter Brunck, situated on a hill within the perimeter of the residential complex guarded by private security, a swimming pool and an indoor shooting range.
The Ministry of Interior and Police, responsible for approving and issuing permits to carry firearms, unaware that the residence of Brunck had a firing range.Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, Friday, Oct. 19, 2012.http://presenciadigitalrd.blogspot.com/2012/10/un-emulo-de-waco-texas-fanaticos.html
A rival of Waco, Texas: Police clashed German fans expected RD doomsday
In confrontation north coast tourist killed one German and three policemen were injured RD
Coincidentally, one of the German prisoners reported that the group has a property in the city of Corpus Christi, Texas.The group had already had several violent incidents with the authorities, but had gone unnoticed for most of the country, but not for the neighbors, who complained about the sectarianism of the inhabitants of the "Cologne Mulata III" in Sosúa.Family ConflictFive years ago one of the sons of Brunck sect split from the personal problems in Germany and reported everything to the group.That prompted an investigation to begin there and journalists came to the Dominican Republic for an investigative report.Unable to approach the Germans managed fortification reporters that an Air Force helicopter flew over the area, but the aircraft was attacked and killed by some of the people who were confined in the complex and expensive real estate.In December 2006, two unknown masked men aboard a motorcycle shot Brunck, but survived because at the time was wearing a bulletproof vest.Another showdownAnother incident occurred last week, when military service of the Ministry of Environment tried to enter the property to the complaint of unauthorized logging. The officers were shot repelled.
This prompted another police unit acudiera the scene and saw the shooting that killed the German Peter Didrittch and three policemen were injured.
Didrittch Authorities say a former Swiss Air pilot, was the personal security chief Brunck.
After the scuffle, the authorities seized an armored vehicle, five rifles, four pistols, two rifles, seven hundred bulletproof vests and ammunition. Yesterday in a new raid found several guns, more ammunition, bows and arrows.Organ traffickingOne reason why the leader of the group has an international arrest warrant is because it is linked to organ trafficking, but in South Africa.
In that the sect had two funeral homes that served the bodies cooling, which was used because often the relatives of the deceased had to travel longer distances.
It is attributed to using the bodies of recently dead to remove their organs and sell them illegally.High caliber weapons seized in town
The Office of Puerto Plata, Sosua is located where, explained that in the house of Brunck were found six assault rifles M-16, a SIG 552 rifle with telescopic sight command, five shotguns, a Winchester rifle and three pistols with infrared light, among other firearms.
In addition, several crossbows bow type, camouflage suits, 7 bulletproof vests, armored vehicle, an ambulance and sophisticated communications equipment.
The house of a German Peter Brunck, situated on a hill within the perimeter of the residential complex guarded by private security, a swimming pool and an indoor shooting range.
The Ministry of Interior and Police, responsible for approving and issuing permits to carry firearms, unaware that the residence of Brunck had a firing range.Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, Friday, Oct. 19, 2012.http://presenciadigitalrd.blogspot.com/2012/10/un-emulo-de-waco-texas-fanaticos.html
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